Thursday 20 June 2013


My monotony shears past,
the most lively nights,
teasing child like minds,
to not let me last.

Uneasiness is my jewel,
for the restless souls,
To those enveloped in hell,
Peace- I gift in doles.

You'll find me by lakes and ponds,
disturbed by occasional prods,
of quacks, cackles and chatters,
by ducks, geese and ganders.

I have a song attached to me,
my own music echoes in valleys,
lovers understand my language,
I am appreciated by the wise.

I'm called for by librarians,
Asking for me to be obeyed.
I dare you to break me,
If you'd like to invite unapproving stares.

Harbinger of peace I am,
Sometimes described a deathly blow,
I prevail over the audience of Shakespearean shows.
Hopefully you know me by now,
I majestically declare: Silence I am!

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