Wednesday 18 June 2014

The Bunk Bed Theory

My first time in the hostel and I get one of those new bunk bed rooms. I do not mean to complain but there was no bunk bed, though there was a roommate. And I don't mean to complain again but the bed didn't arrive for another month- so we had to share the bed in the hot Indian summer. It was finally set up in the middle of the night and there was quite a hullabaloo about it. I remember girls coming from different floors to see the new installation- like how the crowd of New York lined up to see Alex in Madagascar. As I was royally sitting and enjoying my very own space in the room, about 5 and a half feet above the ground, somebody piped up a question,
"So Naaz, how do you feel?"
To that my head-in-the-clouds-reply was, "On top of the world." Somebody also asked me if it felt like sitting on a train going back home. Since I hadn't gone back home since being sent away from it, I had no idea. Back then, I simply shrugged. But 2 months from then, on the train going back home I remember feeling like I was sitting on my bunk bed!
BUT, I must admit, it wasn't the top-of-the-world experience. I, for one, cannot stand a stink especially if it is that of unwashed clothes and "unbathed" human beings. And she brought in both. To make matters worse, in the 46 plus degrees of Noida heat she kept the door AND the window closed because she could not bear the noise. Pfft! And imagine how freaked out I got when I opened the door to see her lying in the dark with the curtains drawn and EYES WIDE OPEN!
Trust me, I am not the judgemental kind. I am fine with whatever you do, however unhygienic you are and whatever your habits are but if you have are living with me you have got to:
a) Stay clean (or at least not stink)
b) Learn to live with the windows wide open any time of the day, any time of the year.
c) Learn to live with my crazy ringtones.
d) Be happy or at least not gloomy to the extent of looking gloomy like the Grudge female.
How did I survive? I saw Shawshank Redemption! If that guy could crawl through some xyz feet of shit to freedom I could definitely bear this. And that's what I did. Sat through it. Cribbed. No doubt I cribbed and I am still cribbing about it. Then one glorious day she told me that she was moving out. I swear to God, I cannot remember another happier moment while I was in the hostel. I am terribly sorry for all the negativity/complaints/cribbing or whatever you would call this but to me this is the real struggle for Independence.

So, what is the Bunk Bed Theory?
Upar wala saba malik. (You see, I had the upper bunk) Because I am the one who stayed and got the room ultimately. *Evil laughter*