Monday 25 November 2013

Been There, Said That

Much of our life is maneuvered by the conversations we have- with our friends, family, strangers, and ourselves. Admit it, those words flanged by double inverted commas- they are alot more than just words. You have played and replayed conversations in your head and tried to make sense out of nonsense, fished for compliments, "listened" between the lines and gloated over the flattery.
Casual utterances, debates, news, imaginary situations, complains- you've already been there and "said" that.
And then, there are those instances when you remember quirky things said. In my case I have:

"You don't need a jacket in Delhi? Pollution keeps you warm."

"Don't hate the game, hate the players."

"This is for your performance today."

"Okay, agreed you have Army blood running through you but you gotta watch where you;re going through a bus full of guys."

"You slapped him? Great!"

"Well done chicks! Congrats!"

"Your face is like an open book."

"We are Aerospace Engineers and it is rocket science!"

"What happened to your face? You look all girly today, you look good!"

"Achha beta bathao, ye Amity hai kya?"

"You're in college and you're seventeen!?"

"Your smile is important."

"You're the golden girl of our department."

"Have you seen yourself running? You run like an athlete." ("But I am an athlete.")

"You're an inspiration, Naaz."

"I was stalked!"

"How do you stay so positive about everything?"

"How about a new name like Naz?" (to be pronounced as Naeyz)

"Moti, Kumbhakaran."

"Promise me something? You'll write a book someday."

"If you go away to college, I'll beat you up 'coz then there'll be no one else to beat up."

"Naaz, that was good what you did there."

"Goodmorning! :) "

But the worst of them all, "k."

Funny, silly, annoying, admiring, flattering threads of conversations I had that I am rewinding back to now.