Thursday 25 July 2013

The First Time I Kissed Rain

From the fourth floor the streets looked tempting like a chocolate cake. I could almost smell the rain pattering on the mud.
"Let's go!"
There was a look of surprise in everyone's face.
"Please? Please? Please?"

The resolve to not go is melting down. One's fracture and the other's reluctance. God, please make them agree.

"PLEASE! Let's go now,else the rain'll slow down in sometime."

"Not with this..", he lifts his fractured finger.

"Arre we'll take an umbrella for you! Please? Else I'll miss it!"

"The doctor asked me not to get it wet."

Ayyo! Since when did you start listening to people?

"So we won't na! We're taking an umbrella."
"I'll give you mine.", the second friend offered.

"Yes! Thankyou! Ab let's go?"

"Oh alright!"

Yaaaaayyyy! I'm going into the RAAAIN!!

No amount of expressions or words can explain what followed. The desperate, half-hearted attempt to save a fractured finger from the merciless droplets of joy despite the umbrella, splashing through the puddles, making our own unplanned course towards the ground, getting drenched in happiness, throwing a key chain into the slush far away and running to look for it (failing to find it as well), donating my specs for pictures to be clicked, posing with seniors, knowing the warmth of having friends with whom you can share careless moments of bliss and in the end just sitting on the steps and watching the sports ground fill up. My happiness knew no bounds. I just knew that these were the people I want with me throughout. I just knew that rain was something I was born to fall in love with. I just knew that everyone I was with then would be with me whenever I need them. I just knew it!

If only I knew...

Looking back, all that happened seems so surreal. I still go back to the same ground to get wet but never to the same spot. I watch the steps from far and I can see four figures in the rain- laughing with joy, wet but still sitting under the umbrella, a bandaged finger dripping wet, photos being taken to be uploaded on Facebook later.
And the thinker in me takes over again.

We think relations are forever,
But their definitions change over the past,
Sometimes forever just doesn't last.
And looking back...
We long for moments to happen time and again.
Like my memories of 
The first time I kissed rain.